First Grade Power Standards
- Comprehend text
- Read high frequency words
- Apply reading strategies
- Apply phonics skills
- Read 1st grade level text
- Demonstrate reading fluency
- Print letters and numbers correctly
- Apply phonics skills
- Write high frequency words
- Express written ideas
- Represent numbers
- Count combinations of coins
- Solve addition and subtraction problems
- Describe 2D and 3D shapes
- Analyze bar graphs and tally charts
- Tell time to the hour and half hour
Behavior Expectations
Luverne Elementary School has implemented a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports program (PBIS). PBIS is a nationally recognized program that provides a framework to implement the best evidence-based practices for improving academic and behavior outcomes for all students. The PBIS program at Luverne Elementary is called “SOARR”. SOARR stands for Safe, Optimistic, Achieve, Responsible, and Respect. These are the values we emphasize with our students.
Students will earn Cardinal Cards as acknowledgement for doing the “right thing”. Students will receive a behavior ticket when demonstrating inappropriate behavior. Minor discipline issues will be addressed by the classroom teacher. Major behavior infractions will be referred to the principal’s office.